Westminster, known to fanciers as the blue-ribbon dog show, opens a two-day run at Madison Square Garden tomorrow.
Westminster, the most prestigious of the more than 1,000 all-breed dog shows held annually in the United States, opens a two-day run at Madison Square Garden tomorrow.
"This is the first two-day run we have seen in the past few weeks."
The theater showed four films a week, each with two-day runs, except for the Thursday movie.
There were no gasps of appreciation for perfect 10's as one of the sport's most important events, the McDonald's American Cup, ended its two-day run.
A two-day run on air-conditioners left the shelves denuded and only about a dozen floor models remaining at the shop by yesterday morning.
They were in the most immediate danger, and Florida was about a two-day run from Alaska's last known position . . . too close!
Pa is not only required to show himself off when the 121st annual Westminster competition begins its two-day run today at Madison Square Garden.
The two-day run featured familiar pieces and the New York premiere of "After Black Room."
Powwow Power Devotees of powwows have it all this week, with one event ending today and another beginning a two-day run on Saturday.