Her dual canes, one black and twisted wood banded with iron, the other burnished aluminum, thumped her slowly into the center of the room.
He had to content himself with wedging it as tightly as its twisted wood permitted.
In the center of the atrium, my eye fell on a mangle of twisted wood and melted wire-the remains of what looked like a piano.
And he screamed as the mass of twisted wood plummeted through his magical screen, and his skull, and his chest.
The area has subalpine meadows, lodgepole pine stands, krummholtz (German for "twisted wood") mats of whitebark pine and stratified volcanic peaks and ridges.
It was akin to that twisted wood that filled the valley to the south of Amber.
Where the trunk of the willow had bent was a mass of twisted and splintered wood.
The Great Mother of the Narwhal Clan leaned forward, her gnarled hands gripping the twisted wood of the chair arms.
If it is caused by wind, these are known as krummholz, from the German for 'twisted wood'.
Bare rafters, huge beams of twisted aged wood, rose in the gloom.