With it in her jaws, she was gone in a bound, heading away from the ship, weaving in and out among the twisted rocks.
Anna stared at the great column of twisted rock that lay at the center of the glowing lake.
He took shelter beneath a ledge of twisted black rock.
The geological narrative here, told in the twisted rock and exposed granite monoliths, is a good tale, easily understood.
The black giant was sitting on the ground with his back against a slab of the twisted rock.
Toby suddenly realized he was moving through the maze of twisted and jumbled rock almost as easily as the lithe figure ahead.
The sun was already warm on the twisted rocks about them.
Down into a little hollow they rode, along the front of a thick flow, whose twisted rocks loomed above them.
The valleys and foothills were far behind them, and they seemed to be drifting in a world of twisted rock.
Gotten his twisted rocks off by the sheer panic he'd created.