If you buy a suit for a friend's wedding, could you wear the jacket with jeans or plain twill pants?
The man was wearing twill pants and a neat tweed jacket with a burgundy tie.
She ran upstairs, shed her jeans and donned a beige silk shirt, black twill pants and a dark green jacket.
More fundamentally, corporate culture is relaxing, making twill pants and a sportcoat acceptable attire in an increasing number of workplaces.
A chubby little man in a short-sleeved sport shirt and baggy gray twill pants came out the door.
Samuel stuffed his hands in the pockets of his twill pants.
This evening he wore a plain white cotton shirt open at the throat (there were spreading sweat-stains beneath the arms) and plain gray twill pants.
His dress was casual, an oxford shirt, twill pants and a denim jacket.
She rose, brushing a stray leaf off her twill pants.
She was dressed casually in a pullover sweater, twill pants and loafers.