Traditionally, practice takes place every day except for Saturdays and full & new moon days which occur about twice monthly.
Eves took the publication from once a month to twice monthly, with more articles, columns and writers.
In 1952, the comic book became a twice monthly, and Italian stories increased.
The board meets twice monthly at the district's administrative center.
Mason students meet twice monthly with a teacher who will help them prepare for student led conferences to be held in May.
Real Change, which recently increased its frequency of publication to twice monthly from once a month, says its circulation is 30,000.
He suggested that the school system be led by a chief executive who would report to the board at quarterly meetings, rather than twice monthly.
Publication is annual as a quality paperback and twice monthly in its online format.
Marshall has a mayor and city council that meet twice monthly.
Instead, she keeps the gallery open all summer and is host to exhibitions that open twice monthly.