Influences by John Cage and twelve-tone music are also noted.
Although he was active at a time when many people wrote twelve-tone music, he decided not to write in this idiom himself.
As in all twelve-tone music, there is a mathematical relationship between the prime, inverted, and retrograde series.
Music using the technique is called twelve-tone music.
Although he was clearly influenced and inspired by the twelve-tone music, which was very popular in his day, he never completely embraced this style.
He taught them how to write twelve-tone music and they became famous composers.
Patt wanted to be able to play and then to improvise twelve-tone music.
Later on, in twelve-tone music, serialism, and other 20th century compositional idioms it came to be considered as a neutral interval.
Webern composed more and more twelve-tone music in these years.
Hauer was also an important early theorist of twelve-tone music and composition.