Since Gahirmatha coast serves as the natal nesting beach for millions of turtles, it has immense importance on turtle conservation.
A series of research programs on marine turtle conservation have been conducted by Burma's Department of Fisheries.
Prior to this, Great Coco Island had never been surveyed for marine turtle conservation by Department of Fisheries due to its remote location.
Declared a wild life sanctuary in Odisha in 1979 and a world heritage site, Gahirmatha is significant for turtle conservation.
"The country really is an example to the rest of the world when it comes to turtle conservation."
Owners of the structures are also legally obliged not to leave beach furniture strewn about after daylight hours and not to do anything that would adversely affect marine turtle conservation.
World Wildlife Foundation is monitoring the green turtle nesting sites along the 22 km-long Akyatan beach and working with local government authorities to improve marine turtle conservation.
Further, it educates the public about turtle conservation and care.
In 2011, fuelled by her passion to continue working on turtle conservation, she co-founded the Turtle Conservation Society of Malaysia.
The Asian Turtle Conservation Network has helped publicize turtle conservation all throughout Asia.