As in the past two games, the characters have a turn-based system, but this can be modified on a battle-by-battle basis.
This system is frequently cited for its realism when compared to other turn-based systems.
It uses a play structure called the Flow rather than the normal turn-based system typically used in the genre.
Tactical mode uses a turn-based system, where the human team and the aliens take turns to make moves.
Using a turn-based system, both the player and computer opponent take turns moving and attacking across the field.
Players are placed on a map and control their faction in a turn-based system.
It made better the turn-based system with a time-keeping system.
Well, it means that the game has returned to a more traditional, albeit still extremely fast-paced, turn-based system.
Both games use turn-based systems which grant players a limited number of actions per day.
Also, gone is the micromanaged turn-based system that so many of us were used to.