They titled the show in reference to the roundhouses used by railroad companies to turn trains around and get them on the right track.
The closed Høvik Station will be used to turn trains.
Now closed, the loop track continues to be used to turn trains.
Wye - a way of turning whole trains.
Fiddle yards can also contain a balloon loop for turning entire trains, usually in conjunction with a fan or traverser design.
It was converted to a two level station in 1907, with a loop track to aid turning trains.
Balloon or turning loops can turn trains of any length in a single operation, but require far more space than wyes.
This provided circular running to the line, allowing for improved training without the need to turn trains at the terminals.
Near the middle point of the railway, at a location known as 'Central', there was a triangle for turning trains.
It used to be turning trains with double-deck coaches and diesel locomotives.