A happy relationship with a healthy, active woman is debilitating, and he turns toward adultery to solve his problem.
But often, municipalities will turn to privatization to solve an issue that may not have been examined in depth.
Several residents said that in the absence of governmental institutions or attention, they turn to the guerrillas to solve daily problems.
Too many too easily turn to divorce to solve their difficulties of conflict.
The families generally turn to custom to solve disputes amongst themselves.
There have been objections to turning to the art collection to solve the college's problems.
It was believed that he turned to spirituality initially to solve his own tensions and anxieties.
More states are turning to doctors to solve the problem for them.
In 1998, a new position requiring more than 24 quarter turns to solve was found.
Both cities turned to complex systems of siphons and aqueducts to solve their water problems.