The garbage burned there is used to generate electricity, which is in turn sold to Consolidated Edison, from 2 to 3 cents a kilowatt hour.
It also noted that If the Telemobiloscope rights were in turn sold by Gumpel, the sales price would have to exceed 1,000,000 Marks.
The station was in turn sold to Entercom on February 23, 2000.
The seeds were donated free of charge, and were in turn sold at a reduced price in local markets.
The stakes were in turn sold to a Bahamian enterprise for an annuity that matured in five years.
Skåne Akvavit was in turn sold to Altia which is owned by the Finnish state.
Orion was in turn sold to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 1998.
He would collect seashells in Manila Bay which were in turn sold at the market.
The federal government gave land to the state, which was in turn sold and the money was used to start a developing treasury for Arkansas.
These portfolios were in turn sold and distributed world wide.