Overseas investors have been turning away from Australia since the late 1990's.
It was the first triple play they turned since September 21, 1979.
The Royals turned their first triple play since May 14, 1994.
In 1981 it was announced that the university was out of debt and turned a profit for the first time since 1975.
The company has also managed to weather the country's volatile economy, turning a profit every year since 1992.
But let us turn now to other matters, since you will not say more of this.
In 1962, the Leoffler company claimed the course had been turning a profit since 1939.
Colorado has traditionally voted Republican, turning red in every presidential election since 1964, with the exception of 1992.
And now he didn't know where to turn, since the one reason he had to live was afraid of him.
Pittsburgh lost despite turning its first triple play since April 21, 1987.