These turn of events resulted in coalition of Yan and Feng collapsing almost immediately.
A turn in the other direction would result in a failure to achieve possession - he would drop the ball.
Among versions tested, steering feel is poorest in the S, where gentle turns of the wheel can result in exaggerated motions.
The critics say, however, that high speed and quick turns can easily result in the loss of a track, especially in the desert, immobilizing the tank.
His personal turns on it resulted in charming designs, frothy but, most importantly, eminently wearable ones.
A wrong turn on a family trip to New York City resulted in Charley's discovery of the Philly steak sub.
This turn of events resulted in Modern Air applying for permission to re-enter the Berlin-Saarbrücken scheduled market with two daily return flights using Coronados.
A surprising turn of events often results in havoc.
Frequent turns in the streets (see drawing of approved development plan) result in speed reduction which lowers noise intensity.
Sorel's turn to nationalism resulted in his disregarding of Marx and adopting support of the views of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.