After fifteen minutes or so, the rafter-rocking music ended, and the service turned more introspective.
He sat staring at her for a time, then turned introspective.
Then, unexpectedly, he turns almost introspective.
Odeen's eyes had flattened out as they usually did when he turned introspective.
At a later briefing, he turned unusually introspective as he spoke of responding to issues of the day.
Politically, they argue that its members could turn nationalistic and introspective, preferring to ignore problems beyond their borders.
Sometimes everyone turned so introspective that "The Thief" threatened to become uncommunicative.
Ben watched her eyes turn introspective.
Even Owen had turned dour and introspective.
Solo voice and piano alone mark a stark contrast from the beginning section as the narration turns introspective and solemn.