They had spent a thousand years being oppressed, being bred like animals and turned into perfect, docile servants.
These working girls can no more triumph as feminists than the men they work for can turn into enlightened public servants.
It seemed strange to him that the nildoror would have turned the sulidoror into domestic servants at an Earthman's hotel.
"If the new agreement means taking our land and turning us into servants of the Israelis, then we don't want it."
It would not take much to turn fiercely independent professionals into demoralised, tame civil servants looking over their shoulders rather than at patients.
Thus a loving father cannibalizes his child, and priests turn into servants of the devil.
It has turned the music and the musicians into servants of the plot and the film's ambiance.
Its clergy had been turned into de facto civil servants who were targeted in what became a blood bath of recrimination.
It seeks to turn welfare recipients into indentured servants, rather than real employees.
That's what all the biots are here for ... to be turned into useful servants by the passengers on board.