The Mayor crossed himself, then turned fearfully as a shout from the river announced the arrival of Lord Cochrane and his boats.
All of them turned fearfully, stared.
Alfred turned fearfully.
She turned back fearfully, for her left arm still throbbed with memory, but there was no fire, and no dragon; only the black monstrous shape twisted round with leaves.
A hush descended as the men realized it, too, and weapons were guardedly lowered as all eyes turned fearfully to regard the trapped Turkish leader.
All eyes turned fearfully to Cherry.
The red torches bobbed as the Alfings turned fearfully to us.
Moreta's breath caught in her throat and she turned fearfully toward her dragon.
His head turned fearfully from side to side: he might have been trying to locate a threat.
Alfred turned fearfully, fell back against the bulkheads.