Each turn a player draws a diplomacy card.
The players then take turns playing or drawing cards and the first player who plays all his cards out wins the game.
Each turn, the opponents cast fresh spells and draw new virtual cards from their respective decks.
Each turn the active player draws until he has five cards in hand, and plays on the build piles.
Each turn a player draws two cards to add to their hand, and cards in a hand can be put onto the playing field.
And also, without any conscious desire for such action, she gave the slight turn which freed the blade, drew it forth.
Each turn, players draw to fill their hands and then complete goals by playing cards from their hand.
As negotiations continued between the two antagonists, an equally dramatic turn of events drew public attention back to the presidential campaign.
Miss Jaffe's musical phrasing and beautifully shaped turns drew quiet gasps from the audience.
Remaining players then have one turn to draw a card to improve their hands and then scores are totaled and recorded on a running score sheet.