Before 1997, DCMS was known as the 'Department of National Heritage', which was in turn created out of various other departments in 1992 .
The Hiranyagarbha is alternatively viewed as Brahma, the creator who was in turn created by God, or as God (Brahman) himself.
The RHAs were in turn created in 1994, from the former hospital boards and local health units.
They summoned deities who, in turn, created "second life" deities, and so forth.
At DAFNE, kaons are produced by the decay of φ mesons which are in turn created in collisions between electrons and positrons.
Customer toolkits are devices that enable customers to design products, which are in turn created by the firm.
One Senate intelligence committee aide described the misplaced money as a severe accounting problem that had grown because of a lack of accountability, in turn created by the extraordinary secrecy under which the reconnaissance office works.
The dancer recited rhymes ("I dive into a sponge") in French with singsong charm while spiraling beautifully into sweeping turns or arcs created by her rotating arms.
The latter had been in turn created in 1907, when the Diocese of Narni was united to the historical Diocese of Terni.
That was in turn created in 1949, when the historic diocese of Penne-Atri was split up, with Atri going to form the Diocese of Teramo-Atri.