When the rollers were filled, one or two people pulled on levers or turned cranks to move the heavy box back and forth over the rollers.
Both my nephews had a blast turning cranks, pushing buttons and, at one point, trying to encase each other in huge, tubular bubbles.
Dashing to their tasks, sailors hauled lanyards and turned cranks in a whirl of straining muscles.
The assembled gnomes pulled levers, rang bells, turned cranks, and shouted directions at each other without listening to the directions shouted back.
In the game, players build imaginative machines that turn cranks, rotate gears, pull levers, and more to build a unique contraption.
Man-powered Mechs - These are powered by slaves turning cranks and pedalling belts to keep the mech going.
Legionaries either side would continuously keep turning cranks which turned a chain, which operated the various mechanisms to load and fire the catapult.
Most are inexpensive, many less than a dollar, but the cleverly constructed sculptures that can be activated by pulling strings, pushing levers or turning cranks are one-of-a-kind works by local artists and average $20 each.
Inside each engine pod, two men were prepared to turn cranks that started the massive Maybachs.