This is in turn affected by the risk or cost of providing these, for instance, those associated with a playground or swimming pool or field trip.
I was by turns moved, much amused, charmed and affected.
Their function is strongly dependent on their state of ionisation, which is in turn strongly affected by pH.
Belgium, Holland, and Denmark had each in turn been affected.
Thus, the chemoclines affect and are, in turn, affected by benthic organisms.
She had an even closer professional relationship with her brother-in-law, Edouard Manet, who influenced her and whose work was in turn affected by hers.
This ratio is in turn affected by the other controlling factors of methane in the environment.
But Leblois spoke to the Vice-President of the Senate, the Alsatian Auguste Scheurer-Kestner, who was in turn affected by doubt.
The boiling and freezing points of water are affected by solutes, as well as air pressure, which is in turn affected by altitude.
This presence, called aahfaui, is not a constant, but is in turn affected by the space one is trying to control.