Golf courses and country clubs are pretty, but try feeding your family with turf grass.
These, along with health and cost concerns, have led to research into more environmentally sound practices and turf grasses.
At the same time, water restrictions established by communities have forced courses to limit the amount of maintained turf grass.
This is believed to be the first time that turf grass is being grown over a synthetic field in an open stadium.
It is spread by host insects, that thrive on heavy turf grasses.
Several species within the Corticiaceae are commercially important pathogens of crops or turf grass.
They also learned to drain soggy land and to maintain temperamental turf grass.
He took to itinerant consulting on turf grass and course maintenance.
The same fungus also causes brown ring patch in turf grasses.
Laetisaria fuciformis is the cause of red thread disease in turf grass.