The army remains the most powerful national institution in Indonesia as the country weathers a turbulent transition to democracy.
During the 1980s and early 1990s the company went through a turbulent transition from a family-owned manufacturing and engineering company to a more market-focussed company.
He is guiding his nation through a turbulent political and economic transition, even while his opposition questions the legitimacy of his election.
Systemic solutions are of little value in times of turbulent transitions and can lead to aberrations of power.
It includes and is surrounded by smaller neighborhoods that have gone though notable and often turbulent racial transitions.
The story of this turbulent transition was later turned into a book and a movie.
He was President from 1945 to 1967, presiding with mixed success over the country's turbulent transition to independence.
Returning to my country after 17 years in exile, I saw this work as my gift to its turbulent transition.
Mr. Mitra became a political ally of Ms. Aquino, who presided over the turbulent transition to a still fragile democracy.
The story, entitled "The Jewess," describes small-town life during the turbulent transition from czarist rule to socialist society, Tass reported Tuesday, without elaborating.