Yukos later denied that would happen, but the possibility further roiled an already turbulent situation.
These conditions were far from being met amidst the turbulent economic and political situation.
Many times has the vice president succeeded the president in turbulent political situations.
Due to turbulent economic situations, Christian Record is not offering any scholarships for the 2009-2010 school year.
The reason given was the turbulent political situation in South Korea.
Due to a turbulent domestic situation she was taken away from her parents and grew up in foster care.
The film Swayamsidha in fact was shot under very challenging and turbulent situations.
The turbulent political situation in Russia makes it uncertain whether Moscow will be able to use all the import credits being offered this year either.
Due to the turbulent political situation at the time, the first series is rather chaotic, with many versions issued for each denomination.
The increasingly turbulent political situation was complicated by the rise of ethnic violence in the north in mid-1990.