Students will create their own newspaper front page depicting this turbulent era.
Henry Bourne Joy was also a prominent figure on both sides of prohibition during that turbulent era.
She had embodied the feelings of a turbulent era between Cuban independence and the Castro revolution.
During this turbulent era, DeGrazia never gave up on his passion for art.
Some of the 13 artists, who span two generations, deal with specific repercussions of a turbulent era.
The love letters are an authentic literary contribution, and offer delightful personal insights into a turbulent era of world history.
Recalling that turbulent era, Lee says he did not want "to grow up in a corporate structure, as I saw my father do."
The Boudin case was a compelling reminder of a turbulent era.
Cherry was manager of Bradford City during its most turbulent era.
It is an unmistakable sign of a turbulent social era.