Thereafter, it became more and more difficult to detect, and swiftly passed beyond the tuning range of the receiver.
A particular mirror may have a tuning range as low as a 10nm or so.
Titanium-doped sapphire is widely used for its broad tuning range, 660 to 986 nanometers.
The tuning range is typically several tens of nanometers.
The tuning range is limited although different dāyāñ-s are produced in different sizes, each with a different range.
Rockers and jazzmen alike enjoy the wide tuning range of acrylic drums, and the dry, but punchy and projecting sound.
Its tuning range is from 500 kilohertz to 32 megahertz, in 32 one-megahertz bands.
For example, a given tonal scale and its chords will have the same shape, and hence consistent fingering, all across the tuning range of the syntonic temperament.
In Figure 1, the valid tuning ranges of 5-limit, 7-limit, and 11-limit syntonic tunings are shown, and can be seen to include many notable meantone tunings.
It is an oscillator with a wide electronic tuning range.