All told, it was a tumultuous day for the board.
But for one tumultuous day, this world of East Side ease was shattered.
The foundation hole is the last physical reminder of the tumultuous days in April 1968 when students took over university buildings.
The change came during a tumultuous day for Havas in the stock market.
At length Tuesday came, the last and most tumultuous day of the Carnival.
During the tumultuous days after 9/11 he reported from New York City.
The case harks back to the tumultuous days after the Sept. 11 attacks.
The strikes Friday morning came after a momentous and tumultuous day for the new government.
Even by the Knicks' standards, it was a tumultuous day.
Celebrating Thanksgiving, each man could undoubtedly point to developments from recent, tumultuous days for which he felt grateful.