After a tumultuous 20th century, South Korea is by any measure shaping up to be one of the star performers of the 21st century.
Looking back on this tumultuous century, it is clear that personal character and personal judgment cannot be separated from great and tragic events.
Here Arthur appears as a heroic British general and a Christian warrior, during the tumultuous late fifth century, when Anglo-Saxon tribes were attacking Britain.
Siting the Honor Roll near the Doughboy creates a "historical context that also tells a larger story of a tumultuous century that is now drawing to a close."
It shows how loyalties shifted endlessly in China's tumultuous 20th century.
In this seaside town of gardens and temples, the forgiving light of a recent afternoon illuminated faded snapshots from a tumultuous century.
The peninsula's tumultuous century had robbed Mr. Yi and other royals of their titles, expelled them from their palaces and sent many abroad.
Due to its relative inaccessibility, Bǐnglíng Sì (adult/student Y50/25) is one of the few Buddhist grottoes in China to survive the tumultuous 20th century unscathed.
Born in 1900, Copland lived until near the end of a tumultuous century.
When proud immigrants built the Bohemian National Hall in 1896, no one foresaw the tumultuous century that would follow in their homeland overseas, and in the hall's internal affairs.