There is an association between primary tumor volume and local extent of disease, progression, and survival.
These patients tend to have a very large tumor volume at diagnosis and are usually symptomatic.
After receiving Afinitor, three of these patients experienced greater than 50 percent reduction in tumor volume.
This is an important consideration because tumor volume has been identified as a prognostic factor in mesothelioma.
The clinical trial did show that bevacizumab reduced tumor volumes and showed an increase in progression free survival time.
Alternatively, it can be administered to the entire brain with a cone down to the tumor volume.
Patterns of care studies clearly demonstrate the negative prognostic effect of increasing tumor volume.
The mean tumor volume at the start of the trial was 3 mm 3.
The average tumor volume was around 22 mm 3at the start of the treatment (Figure 2).
The tumor volume was 0.42 cm3 in the treatment group and 0.91 cm3 in the control group.