The most frequent cancerous tumor associated with Costello syndrome is a soft tissue tumor called a rhabdomyosarcoma.
The malignant cells indicate the presence of tumors associated with ovarian, lung, breast, kidney, brain, endometrial, and colon cancer.
The proportion of tumours associated with a normal surrounding mucosa showed no significant differences between the two main types.
This has led to human trials of rapamycin as a drug to treat several of the tumors associated with Tuberous Sclerosis.
The brown tumors commonly associated with OFC display many of the same characteristics of osteoclasts.
Some benign tumors associated with MEN type 1 can become malignant (cancerous).
The diagnosis was lymphosarcoma, however, none of the tumors usually associated with the diseases were present in the postmortem gross examination.
At least one alternative splice involving AD1 may be tumor associated.
There are rare instances of tumors associated with Krause's glands.
Approximately 70% of tumors associated with the MTS have microsatellite instability.