In a clearing, a musician played a washboard, while guests danced around rabbit hutches and a tulip garden.
Of course the great tulip gardens did arise in Holland; which is simply one immense marsh.
But Noah Baen, an artist and instructor there, is leading a family art project to re-create the tulip garden with flowers made of painted plaster gauze.
It was rather like a mosaic palace, rent with earthquakes; or like a Dutch tulip garden blown to the stars with dynamite.
It isn't, strictly speaking, a tulip garden, although it has a few rows of the flowers.
The city of Holland has thousands of tulips lining the streets and in special tulip gardens throughout the city.
One huge problem with tulip gardens set in open areas is their appeal to deer.
It features tulip gardens, performances, crafters, music, food, Dutch costumes, and daily parades.
The story is staged in front of a building surrounded by an Indian tulip garden.
Strolling down an alley of blossoming apple trees, they come into the dramatic centerpiece, the tulip garden.