The master bedroom, for example, had a chair in the Turkish style, deeply tufted and thick with fringes.
The gilded legs of the marble-topped table and of the red velvet, tufted chairs were carved with a matching leaf-and-flower design.
The 140 offerings include the "Button Chair" by the artist Donald Sultan, which he says plays on both the notion of a tufted chair and the words "butt on."
In a tufted chair.
Next to the tufted easy chair, upholstered in a cream velvet material with a thin purple stripe running through it, stood her mother's petit-point frame, and beside it her tapestry sewing bag.
The brown carpeting flecked with gold, the heavy green-swagged drapes that match the tufted chairs, the molded ceiling and the sturdy walls insure quiet no matter how lively the tea chatter might get.
In one hand, he snatched the twin to his tufted chair and spun it around in front of the table, holding it out for her.
Claire repeated the name and stood aside; Mal walked into a large living room furnished in a floral motif: gardenia-patterned divans, tufted orchid chairs, little tables and bookstands inlaid with wooden daisies.