They are long, tubular cells that arise developmentally from myoblasts to form muscles in a process known as myogenesis.
It generally occurs in the paracellular, rather than transcellular, pathway across the tubular cells.
It grows in a filamentous fashion (forming long tubular cells connected end to end).
They have delicate tubular cells attached in clusters to slender flexible stems.
Some cells may be smaller, with eosinophilic cytoplasm, resembling normal tubular cells.
The tubular cells released their defensive and messenger chemicals, signaling the body for help.
The tubular cells were winning but the victory was Pyrrhic.
Such designs are highly promising, because they share the advantages of both planar cells (low resistance) and tubular cells.
Porocytes are tubular cells which make up the pores of a sponge.
The caterpillar constructs a tubular cell from a leaf by drawing the edges together with thick strands of silk.