At the bottom of the bay a trench was excavated and a flat bed of crushed stone prepared to receive the tube sections.
Use a material that spreads out the pressure and has some give, such as inchwide plastic webbing, rubber hose, or inner tube sections.
Jet fans located within niches in the roof of the immersed tube sections provide longitudinal ventilation, and the tunnel is equipped with fire and life safety equipment.
Consiting of five tube sections and four flexible joints the design is longer and fatter than the previous P1 design.
The Northern line of the Underground uses platforms 7 and 8, which are in a deep-level tube section of the station.
Long, prefabricated tube sections, made of steel or concrete and sealed to keep out water, are floated to the site and sunk in the prepared trench.
Fortunately, this procedure usually leaves two healthy fallopian tube sections and a pregnancy rate of around 70% on average.
Multiple tube sections in one envelope minimized the number of tubes required in a radio or other apparatus.
The raft then enters an enclosed tube section and travels 190 degrees back the other direction.
The digging of the single tube section started in autumn 2004, using drill-and-blast and excavator methods.