Remembering his manners, Tarrant tried gallantly, but the eructation eluded him.
Booker's client is trying gallantly to control his emotions, and his lawyer has run out of things to say.
So did Cornflower, as she fought 86 back tears for her son and tried gallantly to cope with baby Rollo.
The federal courts were in place to deal with such far-flung disputes, and Miyer-Brack and its phalanx of lawyers tried gallantly to remove the case.
Maggie as she clutched his hand and tried gallantly to stifle screams when the baby wouldn't come and she bled to death.
Canth gallantly tried to maintain a matching speed.
He opened an eye and tried gallantly to smile.
Rollant gallantly tried to get back to talking about whathe wanted to talk about: "We ought to push the traitors harder.
He was pinned to the wall, afraid to move, but gallantly trying to appear nonchalant.
Murray himself tried gallantly to complete work on thirty-three words every day-and yet "often a single word, like Approve. . . takes 3/4 of a day itself."