The court's objective is to try cases of genocide, gross human rights violations, and crimes against humanity.
Already, they are trying Storm for assaulting an unarmed farmers, practicing and crimes against humanity.
"You won't get much experience in trying sophisticated economic crimes."
The conference has been convened to set up rules to try individuals for genocide and other crimes against humanity.
Special "revolutionary courts" may operate outside the court system to try political offenses and crimes against the state.
I think that the international community must set up this Permanent Criminal Court able to try crimes against humanity.
We all need to look at what we can do to try and prevent horrific violent crimes like this in the future.
It can try only crimes committed since its establishment on July 1, 2002.
Iraqi courts will be able to try crimes committed by off-duty soldiers outside their bases.
The militants were all convicted by special military courts that began to try "terrorist" crimes last October.