You must try a simple question, at first.
Or if you are able to be a little braver, try a more personal question such as "How do you think our relationship is going?"
He went on for another couple of paces before trying a slightly different question: "How would you like me to introduce you as my fiancee?"
She listened to her boss's instructions, and then tried a tougher question on the Frenchman.
He tried desperately to mouth a question, to ask her what she meant, but his throat - constricted with fear - allowed no sound to escape.
So I tried a different question instead: "Who wants to see me this morning?"
Try a different question: how much did he care whether Marcus went to school or not?
When the chitchat slowed I tried a question of my own.
First I tried a question: Who are you?
"Nothing's changed,"she called, "nothing's changed between us,"and tried a question.