Married against their will, kept in one room, and to one occupation, how could a dramatist give a full or interesting or truthful account of them?
An abbreviated version, not a third as long as the one Bobby Case received, but a truthful account, nonetheless.
He was prepared to take it as a truthful account of her last, brief meeting with Jim.
He did not give a truthful account of the intelligence he received.
Anyway, probing into this one would have been a useless exercise, since it was inconceivable that a truthful account would ever be forthcoming.
Rather, I was moved by this truthful account of an instant bond between two people.
Had he given the truthful account, the book may not have been marketable, and unfortunately, I happened to be the fall guy.
The next half hour was spent in an exaggerated and not quite truthful account of their afternoon on Eileen's part.
It was a comprehensive and truthful account, save for my name.
Yet it could be argued that few painters now working have given us so clear and so truthful an account of themselves.