The two trustees sued more than 100 defendants, including about 9 Hunt children and 27 grandchildren, in June 1991.
Shortly thereafter, a number of Canonsburg residents and dissident trustees of Jefferson College sued, claiming that the consolidation was unconstitutional.
Last week, a court-appointed trustee in charge of Mr. Hoffenberg's former empire, the Towers Financial Corporation, sued Mr. Hoffenberg in Federal Bankruptcy Court for fraud.
The trustee for the brother's creditors sued Mr. Corbin, claiming the return was a dodge to avoid paying them.
The trustees also frequently sue insiders and anyone who received money immediately before the bankruptcy, as Ms. Strauss has done in this case.
The trustees in turn have created a new alumni group and sued to stop an investigation that could threaten the university's accreditation.
A few years ago, the Terra Museum was shaken by a lengthy legal battle after two former trustees sued to keep the museum and its foundation, which has an endowment of $220 million, in Chicago.
The trustees sued in state court for removal of the shed.
A Curtis founder's descendant, stockholders and trustees sued Ackerman over his actions at Curtis.
In 1946, the trustees of the Twain estate sued two New York publishers who had bought the manuscript and had intended to publish it as a book.