She received a small stipend for eight years, but the trustees eventually awarded Ms. Lapp a full-time salary and benefits, a breakthrough at the small university in Harrisonburg, Va.
Since it was set up in 1981, the fund's seven trustees, appointed by the state Court of Appeals, have awarded a total $5,805,000 to 1,153 victims.
The trustees of the Allan Cup then awarded the Winnipeg Victorias as the carriers of the Allan Cup for the next challenge.
Later in the same year, the trustees of Columbia University awarded Ríodoce the Maria Moors Cabot Prize for journalism that contributes to "inter-American understanding".
However, in December 2011, trustees unanimously awarded faculty and staff a one-time uniform $1,000 merit bonus payment.
In fact, he said, trustees had awarded him the money he would have received if he had exercised the option to buy stock in Seradyn, but he was later advised by the university's lawyer that payment was wrong, so he returned it.
In Jersey City, trustees awarded a management contract to a private company last year after Mayor Bret Schundler said it was the only way to improve services.
Despite the views of British Columbia lacrosse, national lacrosse and amateur athletic organisations that supported Vancouver's position, the trustees instead awarded the cup to the Calgary Chinooks on September 29, 1914.
Within minutes of approving the proposal to seek bids on converting the plant, trustees of the state agency awarded $50.6 million in contracts to six companies that will supervise its decommissioning as a nuclear plant.
Angered by the $3.7 million severance package that American University's trustees awarded to Benjamin Ladner, the departing president, campus leaders called on Thursday for fellow students to lobby Congress to replace the board.