The flooded chamber beneath The Shadow's feet was rapidly emptying itself into an exit pipe that undoubtedly connected with a trunk sewer.
The Association also advocated for the building of trunk sewers to stop the run-off of pollution into the Don.
In parallel with the construction of the works, trunk sewers were built to convey sewage from the city to the works.
The waters of the creek are diverted into a trunk sewer that runs under Dufferin Avenue, then under Sylvan Street.
There was a river over there; he'd see if there wasn't a trunk sewer running into it somewhere.
The completion of Stage 1 late in 2008, with associated trunk sewers, signalled the launch of a spate of housing subdivisions.
The site was originally a depot used for the tunnelling of the main trunk sewer and was a desolate waste land when the club took it over.
Apa Nova also took over the operation of the main trunk sewer of the city from the municipality in 2011.
Branch sewers typically run under streets receiving laterals from buildings along that street and discharge by gravity into trunk sewers at manholes.
Larger cities may have sewers called interceptors receiving flow from multiple trunk sewers.