Once both partners are allowed to be autonomous, the continuation of marriage becomes more truly voluntary.
Any citizen can abandon just about any constitutional right if the waiver is truly voluntary.
Participation could thus never be considered truly voluntary under such a system, and the obligation to obey the law might still fail to accrue.
But very little arbitration being imposed on the consumer today is truly voluntary or the result of informed consent.
The big question is how this can be a truly voluntary deal.
A truly voluntary confederation, however, may no longer be a practical option, given the aroused national emotions of the non-Russians.
In congregationalism, rather uniquely, the church is understood to be a truly voluntary association.
And exploitation it is when the seller is not making a truly voluntary decision but responding to financial desperation.
Since the resignation was not truly voluntary, it is in effect a termination.
"Not by my definition, if it is truly voluntary by both parties."