Inside those sculptured forms exists authenticity: that which is truly vital.
The danger of the C.I.A. plan involves the vast ground between a Guatemala and truly vital cases.
It is amazing how few truly vital messages arrive in the typical year.
But he hopes they will survive, "because through exposure, criticism and democratic reform they could become truly vital institutions of American civilization."
AS soon as the Giants hire a coach, perhaps we can all get serious about truly vital affairs.
I can find some way to rejoin them, if you think that there is something truly vital I might learn.
(You could bet if the station was truly vital to the Sparks, they'd have done their best to make it impregnable.)
At the same time, Stanton admitted, the Peeps had yet to lose a truly vital system.
But they were aggressive without being truly vital.
It is truly vital, particularly now, to send out a strong signal with the aim of protecting organic farming.