Paul gasped, fighting to control his laughter, and his eyes were truly repentant.
Ones considered "truly repentant" are reproved rather than disfellowshipped.
I am a truly repentant man, one upon whom a new light has risen.
He went to the control post with cut feet, sobbing, truly repentant.
When he convinces the Senator that he is truly repentant, that will be the end of any punishment but censure.
When the bishop realized the king was truly repentant, he raised him up, lifted the excommunication and led him into the cathedral.
Bar was truly repentant, and would not say another syllable.
The pope was suspicious of Henry's motives, and did not believe he was truly repentant.
The question is, is he truly repentant or is he still a louse?
My son, for the truly repentant, it is never too late.