"She is truly remorseful and sorry for what happened," she said.
Speaking to the public for the first time since the fire, Biechele looked to be truly remorseful during his sentencing.
Hoping to facilitate her release, Dinah tried to convince both Cassie and Blake that she was truly remorseful about Hart's death.
I am truly 100 percent remorseful.
A tearful Zelda surrenders, truly remorseful.
It came across as shallow or sanctimonious or wooden rather than truly remorseful.
In order to prove to Amy that he is truly remorseful, Jon decides to stay and wait for the police.
She also ordered Mita to not smile again to show that she was truly remorseful for Naoya's death.
Mr. Rusnak, he added, "continues to be truly remorseful for his role in these events and we look forward to the eventual resolution of this."
Approximately 18 percent of penitents reconciled with the Catholic faith, claimed to be truly remorseful, and swore never to commit the transgression again.