"But we think it is a truly novel organism because the pathology is unusual and has not been published before."
First, don't spend a lot of money to patent something until you know you have a truly novel and marketable product.
And the one truly novel provision - direct election of national officers by secret ballot - may justify the entire effort.
So far, scientists are nowhere near creating truly novel life forms.
I trust you find them truly novel and not to be taken lightly or soon forgotten.
The peer review system also tends to set a very high barrier for authors to publish truly novel findings.
An important strain of thought in the mid-1990s was "cyberlibertarianism," a view that saw the Internet as something truly novel in world history.
Such truly novel versions of CoStar might not reach the market until 2010 or 2011.
Now they are being asked to entertain a truly novel idea: black ink.
In a nation where the family meal is on the decline, less food and more talk on Thanksgiving could be a truly novel idea.