The effect is truly mind-boggling.
Despite PHI's seemingly mystical mathematical origins, Langdon explained, the truly mind-boggling aspect of PHI was its role as a fundamental building block in nature.
In any case, CPSR Roundtable, though interesting and intensely valuable, was as nothing compared to the truly mind-boggling event that transpired a mere month later.
The scope and scale of BESCO was truly mind-boggling.
"The song's underlying air of quiet desperation stretched to the breaking point is enhanced by brilliant use of dynamics and some truly mind-boggling, strangled guitar fills near the end."
Now that is a truly mind-boggling defeatism, if not an outrageous cop-out.
We won't go into all of Michael Jackson's unsavoury proclivities but his death, reportedly, was caused by the administration of drugs on a truly mind-boggling scale.
The next 100 years will find us really talking and the truly mind-boggling discoveries just beginning.
The motion for a resolution that is being put before us today is truly mind-boggling.
The Colmateurs series was arguably Jeury's masterpiece, combining strong, dramatic characters, tightly-paced narration, cutting-edge science and epic conflicts on a truly mind-boggling scope.