A long-unfinished agenda must be addressed to create a truly inclusive information society for all.
It also illuminates yet another weak point in Google's commitment to delivering a truly inclusive and open platform.
An organization however could go one step further, and become a truly inclusive organization.
The Persian Gulf region is in dire need of a truly inclusive arrangement for security and cooperation.
Language that is truly inclusive affirms the humanity of all the people involved, and shows respect for difference.
That gives us sufficient certainty that the process is truly inclusive of all the interested parties.
Roma inclusion would give us a chance to move forward towards making the European labour market truly inclusive.
I know that some fellow Members are worried by this term because they are not sure if the growth will be truly inclusive.
Yours is a country of courageous and diverse people, working together to construct a truly inclusive modern democracy within a new nation.
Within Afghanistan, a reconciliation government must be established that is truly inclusive.