It was a truly grotesque specimen of its kind.
In the work of a painter named Criyelli, I found a truly grotesque picture of die dead Savior, flanked by two angels who looked like monsters.
Huaishan Han's odd, bowed gait was exaggerated by the bare-bulb lighting, turning him into some truly grotesque figure.
Bonuses for capable, caring teachers willing to teach poor children would certainly begin to redress some of the truly grotesque imbalances in schools.
It was truly grotesque and humiliating.
Along its back, instead of warts, were the torsos, heads and arms of tiny Jahks intertwined in truly grotesque eroticism.
Poor Barbara stumbled back to her desk, her tears combining with the coal dust to produce an effect truly grotesque.
This is a truly grotesque undertaking.
It was a truly grotesque feeling when your own parent didn't recognize you.
The Hag let out a truly grotesque shriek and dropped Grundy.