All right, maybe, but our society, here, is a true community wherever it truly embodies Odo's ideas.
The one place that truly embodies all of the grandeur and mystery and savagery of this continent.
"It's people such as Professor Landreth who truly embody the best virtues of the founders."
It is important not to become self-delusional, but those who truly embody their brands will succeed.
He truly embodies the worst stereotypes of both economists and radical conservatives.
The song truly embodied a more mature and confident woman, with sultrier lyrics and a thumping hip-hop beat to accompany it.
Taking 1980s drum machines and 1990s guitar tones and piling on glitched out vocals, they truly embody a timeless style.
Sara is an artist who truly embodies soul.
Jimmy Hurlbut was sensational as Reverend Moore, truly embodying the essence and struggles of the character.
They truly embody, as Orsino puts it, "a natural perspective that is and is not."