He put it against his shoulder and drew the bow over the strings, producing sounds that were truly divine.
If God (or the fairy godmother, as the case may be) is in the details, then this version has some truly divine moments.
Dykes is quoted as having said that people could not follow Jesus if He were truly divine.
In response to Photinus, Thomas stated that Jesus was truly divine and not simply a human being.
Despite the adoration of its cult, the Mac is still just a computer, not something truly divine.
The Catholic position is that the content of a dogma has truly divine origin.
Any being that was truly divine would want to spread the music of the Fannies far and wide across the Earth.
The student here may inform himself whether he has been favoured by heaven with this truly divine gift.
But there are some truly divine (as Vreeland would say) moments.
"I see your point completely, and it's truly divine, yes."